What You Need to Know About Winter Events in New York
It seems that as each year passes, the season of autumn gets shorter and shorter. Some might speculate, “Hey Alan, it’s not even Thanksgiving yet, aren’t you jumping the gun just a bit?”  My usual response to a query such as this would be, “How did you get in here, I’m calling the police!” But ‘tis true; as soon as the last jack-o-lantern is smashed to pieces, winter is quick to follow.
We here at LocalBozo.com always try to bring you the very best of New York City. Â Â That is why we are pleased to bring you our Winter Preview: Volume 1. Some of the following places and events may be obvious as they are staples here in our fair city. Â But some of the other points of interests may actually surprise you.
Union Square Green Market
When winter falls, many of your favorite vegetables become unavailable at local supermarkets. However this ceases to be the case for the market in Union Square. For longer than I have lived in the city, this large collective of independent farmers have supplied New Yorker’s with superb veggies year round.  During the winter season, these farmers must use alternative methods in order to produce crops, which explains why they grow them indoors using a technique called a “Hot House.”  In these temperature controlled units, farmers can grow anything from tomatoes to fresh corn. But hey, it’s winter and it’s friggin cold outside!  That’s why we recommend that when you hit the Union Square Green Market, you grab yourself a nice big cup of hot cider, a must try at the market during the colder months, and well worth the affordable $1.50- $2 per cup. In my humble opinion, nothing beats a hot cup of locally made cider, while checking out all that Union Square area has to offer.  You will also be supporting local business which the right thing to do wherever possible.
Bryant Park Skating Rink
Even if you are from the smallest town in the midwest, you know about the famed Rockefeller Center skating rink. It truly is a landmark in New York City.  The only problem is that it’s so popular that during the winter and holiday season that lines can stretch on for hours on end, which is hardly a pleasant thing.  We prefer a noteworthy alternative- the Ice Skating Rink in Bryant Park (www.CitiPondatBryantPark.com). Upon entering the centerpiece of Bryant’s Park’s winter season, you can plainly see why the park rivals the famed rink of Rockefeller Center. From October 29th – February 27th 2011, visitors will be treated to free, (yes free) rink admission, high quality skate rentals, skating shows, and other special events.
For those of you who just like to take in the surroundings, you are in luck as well. There are dozens of specialty shops surrounding the sides of the skating area selling fuzzy socks and ornaments to popcorn and jewelry. Even Max Brenner, Chocolate by the Bald Man has their own shop there. On a tight budget and just looking for a good time, visitors who choose not to strap on skates can watch skaters stumble and fall from the side of the rink.  Also, if you’re hungry, you can dine at the two-story restaurant, Celsius whose glass enclosed structure features views of the entire rink. And best of all, it is heated!
Radio City Christmas Spectacular
One event truly solidifies the fact that the holiday season is upon us. Â The iconic and historic Radio City Music Hall (http://www.radiocitychristmas.com/) is the host to many of today’s top musical acts, comedy shows, and traveling plays. Â But once a year it is transformed almost instantly to the Radio City Christmas Spectacular. No other event in the city consistently brings out the droves of people that the Christmas Spectacular brings. If you were to walk the streets, especially in the Times Square, Rockefeller Plaza area, and stop someone from out of town and asked them where they were going, chances our Radio City Music Hall is high on their list.
Starting in 1933, this annual event has reinvented itself every year to stay fresh. Because of this, it has never been thought of as a relic. For some it is even considered a rite of passage, proving that they are in fact a true New Yorker. We know that a lot of the credit is owed to Santa Claus. But it is the Rockettes that make the show unique. Their dance moves help bring scenes to life, which delight both the young and the young at heart. I can’t think of a better way to start the holiday season. Tickets are available now and the show runs till December 30th! You are never too old to experience the show’s magic.
There you have it- the first volume of LocalBozo’s winter preview. Yes, we know it’s cold and most of you are praying to have your summer back. But let’s face it- winter is here, and it’s here to stay. That is why you need to take advantage of it. We will continue to bring you seasonal happenings all around town.  Some you may have heard of and some may be totally new to you. Winter may be cold, but damn is it invigorating! Until next time, Ho Ho Bozo!
- Alan Smithee
Uncle Leo
winter preview of whats so nice about Manhaatan during the fall. Great job guys and thanks for the heads up.
harley davidson
Wasting time is robbing oneself.