Events — 17 October 2012 Wants to Send You and a Guest to Das Best Oktoberfest This Weekend!

If you’re like us, weekends are meant for letting your hair down and partying. Hey,for five days a week you’re sitting behind a desk counting the seconds until quitting time. Well countdown no more. It just so happens that the Fall season is home to some of the best and wildest events in New York City. This very weekend at the newly revived La. Venue (Formerly Tunnel), you can experience, wait for it, “Das Best Oktoberfest!” That’s right, the annual German celebration of all things brews, brats, and going bonkers no longer requires an expensive plane ticket. Two nearly sold out, multiple hour long sessions will house this ambitious event. And we want to send you free of charge!

Ticketholders will have access to a monstrous selection of 150 beers that will be served on an, “All You Can Drink” basis. That’s right folks for a huge chunk of the day you can gulp down tasty glasses of German favorites like Erdinger, Hofbrau, and even local suds like Blue Point. Of course we always advise you to drink responsibly, and the best way to do that is by accompanying them with hearty brats that will be available for purchase.

While you imbibe and chew you have to shake that booty, right? Well roll out the barrel for some of the best in traditional Oompah music! Think you have the best beer belly? Show it off hot shot at their competition dedicated to that extra poundage. And seriously this being Oktoberfest and all, don’t forget to come decked out in your lederhosen.

Your good friends here at know how much you love to celebrate the good times with friends. Therefore we are pleased to announce our exclusive “Das Best Oktoberfest” ticket giveaway contest. We’ve got a pair of tickets to each of the day’s sessions and two lucky readers will be selected to attend with a guest. Here’s how to enter: first, you‘ve GOT to follow @LocalBozo on Twitter, as if you weren’t already. Next and most important send a Tweet at our attention with the hashtag #IDasBest explaining in the most creative, 140 character way why we should choose you! Okay there you have it. We’ll make our selections on Friday morning so time is running out! Start following and enter right now, because this Saturday you could be hoisting up a stein of the good stuff.

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